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Reasons why the corporate industry loves live chat support

July 14, 2014

One industry that is really reaping maximum benefits out of live chat support is the corporate industry. Thousands of large and small scale retail stores are investing on this technology to not only enhance their customer service but also to increase their sales and revenue. In this article, we have talked about how live chat is a highly valued tool in the corporate world.

industry loves live chat supportLive chat started off as a mere communication tool. The purpose of this tool was to enhance customer service and to provide an efficient channel for customer communication. But as the time passed, the advanced version of live chat support software emerged and it became more than just a tool for communication. Today, live chat is considered as an integral part of a company’s marketing strategy.

There are reasons why live chat is so revered in the corporate industry. Let’s see why these companies are a fan of this medium:

Live chat increases sales

Sales, profits and revenues- these are the things on which the corporate world thrives. Here’s how live chat helps increasing sales:

•    By making customers happy:

To propel their business forward, companies need to earn far more than the cost they invest and that is only possible if their customers are happy with them. And, to make customers happy, it is important that you provide them with excellent customer service.

•    By earning customer trust:

If you are there when the customers need you and you resolve their problems instantly, you will earn their confidence and trust. Live chat support helps earning customers’ trust. It allows you to provide a seamless communication channel through which customers connect with you without any hindrances. When customers will be pleased, they will buy from you more than they ever did before.

•    By providing a platform for e-marketing:

The main reason why live chat increases your conversion rates is that it is a very effective medium for e-marketing. Unlike telephonic marketing, advertisement of such kind is not pushy and annoying; instead it captures the full attention of the customers. You can simply advertise a certain product, which matches the interest of the customer, at the end of the conversation. Even if the customer doesn’t buy the product, he might refer it to someone else.

Live chat software is highly cost effective

For any business, it is very important to invest on those tools which are very cost effective. Live chat software serves to be a smart investment in that regard. First of all, it reduces the need of a larger team of operators, because of its multi chat feature. With a single operator dealing with more than two customers at a time, you do not need to hire a lot of operators especially if you have a small scale business. A small team of operators would mean that live chat will help cut down the recruitment cost.

The complex features of the chat software allow you to earn far more than you invest on it. For example features such as real-time monitoring give you an elaborate analysis of your traffic and visitors hence helping you devising a perfect marketing strategy. When you appease your customers, you will earn more than what you have invested on live chat.

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