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Reasons why CSRs love live chat software

July 18, 2014

Live support chat is loved by customers and entrepreneurs alike. Why wouldn’t they? This channel has tremendous benefits for both the parties, benefiting them greatly. So, what makes live chat such a loved channel? The answer would be because of the software used for live chat.

The live chat software has remarkable features that not only enhance customer communication but also aim towards proving maximum operational flexibility. Keeping in view the importance of providing ease and comfort in the success of customer service, live chat support software consists of features that ensure the ease and comfort of the operators. Here are some reasons why live chat is so revered amongst CSRs:

CSRs love live chat software

It has pre-tailored messages

The biggest requirement of live chat is to be fast. An operator is supposed to reply within a few seconds of customer asking the question. But, it is easier said than done because, at times operators are caught up with various customers at a time and the answer to a particular query is long. So, what is the solution to this? Canned messages. Yes, these predefined responses not only allow the operators to be fast, but also make them answer a particular question effectively. Because of these predefined responses, a typical live chat conversation lasts for a few minutes.

It has an automated routing feature

Manually routing the customers can be a hassle for the operators. They already have a lot on their plate and transferring customers to the relevant operators can divert their attention and increase their workload. Besides, customers also don’t like being transferred and hate to wait in queues. So, to rescue them, the latest versions of live chat support software have a smart routing feature which automatically transfers the customers to operators who are free or who are best suited to solve their query, without them knowing.

It automatically analyzes and monitors your traffic

Just like manual routing, monitoring can also increase the workload of the operators, not letting them focus on the customer’s issue. Live chat software has a feature called real-time monitoring which not only tells you about the amount of traffic you have but also tells you about the navigation pattern of your customers. This feature also analyzes your conversion rates and gives you a data regarding the kinds of customers that visit your website, which page has the most views and which products have maximum numbers of clicks.

So, after reading all that is it is quite clear why any CSR would love live chat software.

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